Grief Support Groups
Grief Groups
You will often encounter individuals who are in grief while working with patients at HRMC.
For this purpose the following community information is extended. It can be copied and provided to patients and their loved ones, as well as to members of the HRMC staff.
Grief groups in Lake Havasu City that are open to the public
Hospice of Havasu:
Grief Group for family and friends of loved one. Open to the public.
Meets two times weekly:
Tuesdays at 3-4 P.M
Fridays at 11-12 A.M
Mandatory signup is requested one week before attending.
Contact Sylvia, 928 453-2111,
Riverview Home Health and Hospice:
Grief group for any kind of loss, e.g., job, a pet, fire, as well as for the loss of a loved one.
Meets on the 2nd and 4th Wed. at 10 A.M. Open to the public
Contact Rocky, 928 412-3821.
Lake View Community Church
Griefshare is open to the public. Information is available on their website: Griefshare is more in-depth than most grief groups. The LVCC website lists locations, dates and times in Lake Havasu—and other areas—where a Griefshare opportunity is in progress. It is a 13 week program that keeps repeating. Free, except for workbook ($20). Contact, 982 855-1942
Calvary Baptist Church
Grief ministry open to the public and described at This church’s Grief share ministry is specific to loss of a loved one, spouse, child, or family member. Held Tuesday evenings, 5:30 P.M. -7:30 P.M., except for when on a scheduled break (July 19 to 2nd week in Sept., 2022). Grief share is open to the public. It is interaction (uses a video and a workbook). Discussion is interactive. Contact, 928 230-9580, prior to attending.
Our Lady of the Lady, Roman Catholic parish
Grief Group open to the public. The group meets on Saturdays at 11 A.M. Church’s group is currently on a scheduled break. The group begins again August 6, 2022. Individual counseling available by appointment only. Call church office to set up an appointment or to attend the grief group. Contact, 928 855-2685.
While working with staff the articles at this link were written to help them do self-care while dealing daily with secondary trauma and other difficulties: